School of Molecular
and Theoretical Biology

School of Molecular and Theoretical Biology

SMTB awarded a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute

As we are wrapping up the preparations for the new season of 2018, we are delighted to share the news that SMTB has been awarded an educational seed grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute for the 2018-2020 school seasons. The HMMI granted a total of $81,000 over the three years, with the support intended to go towards maintaining our ability to bring to the summer school high-level scientists from the US, including from HHMI-funded institutions.

HHMI is a flagship organization, supporting cutting-edge research in biomedical sciences and education. An HHMI research grant to individual scientists is among the most sought-after awards in the world and HHMI support supported numerous groundbreaking discoveries. The HHMI also supports a far reaching educational program supporting individual professors and creating educational content. We encourage our applicants, students and alumni to learn more about the HHMI supported research and take advantage of the available HHMI educational resources.

SMTB promotes a philosophy of science education based on hands-on, authentic learning approaches by teaching through the integration of students in real research projects led by real scientists. The HHMI award to SMTB will help us further develop a model of authentic learning in the life scientists and raise awareness of the model among students and scientists. On behalf of the entire SMTB community we thank the HHMI for the continued support.

June 6, 2018, 12:13 a.m.